I am back home after a long weeked away visiting in Michigan. I'm sorry you had to read those silly posts.
Just a side note, though. My sister tells me that Jim Bakker has been resurrected and has taken his new show to Branson, Missouri. True. Stranger than fiction. He even has a new woman to replace the late Tammy Faye. He has, I think, started up a new 700 club or the like.
He already has the startings of a new flock.
He must have liked prison.
You have to hope he's being watched very carefully, but it seems that his "associates" own everything in his new venture.
And of course I should have said, welcome back. I hope you've had a great time, but you've been missed here. :)
The first thing he should pray for is hair! Then looks. Welcome back, now write something good.
Welcome back!
Michigan?! Aw hell, you should have stopped in while you were in the neighbourhood! Welcome back!
Although I am glad you are back and happy you enjoyed yourself, I must point out that one can access a computer even in Michigan if one wants to keep his minions happy!
Stomping feet...
@A. - I doubt if he is being watched closely. If they had executed him like they should have in the first place, there would be no need. Nice to be missed. I missed all of you too. Okay, not executed. Just dragged behind a truck until he was too brain damaged to prey on trusting old people and their pensions. Let him live. A drooler. Prop him up and let the children play with him. But no, not execute. Sorry.
@Ettarose - You are so superficial. Who cares about Bakker's hair? Thank you for the welcome back, but if I could write good, don't you think I would have done it by now?
Thank you Lidian. Everybody, go to Lidian's blogs and make smart comments. Now. Thank you! :)
@Canucklehead - Thanks for the invite. Didn't really get close enough this time. Last time you weren't home anyway. :) Thanks for coming around!
@Debbie - Not back in the woods where I was, city girl. :) But I left some fantastic-sarcastic auto-posts. Good to be back. Not. :)
She is not as hot a piece as Tammy.
@Dani - Hey! Long time no see! I always suspected you had the secret hots for Tammy. :)
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